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Archived News and Events

Giving Tuesday
TUESDAY NOV. 28th 2017
The Portage Health Foundation will match dollar for dollar (cumulatively, up to $50,000) in donations as part of ‘Giving Tuesday.’ Please consider taking advantage of this special opportunity by visiting

Saturday, September 30, 2017, 6pm
Join us at the historic Miscowaubik Club in Calumet for an evening of cocktails, dinner, auction items, and live music by the talented Bob Hiltunen. Cocktails will be at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30pm. A limited number of tickets will be available for $50 each. See any SKY board member if you would like to attend this special event to benefit SKY.

Chicken Bingo
Chicken Bingo

Saturday, June 17, 2017, 5pm-7pm
On the Big Deck in Houghton

Purchase a number for $2 or 3 for $5, if the chicken splats on your number, you win big bucks. Proceeds benfit SKY

SKY Garage Sale
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 8am-2pm
44998 US Hwy 41 in Chassell (directly across from Broemer Rd.) Hope to see you there. Contact a board member if you have items to donate.

EconoFoods Fundraiser
Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 11am-5pm.
SKY board members and volunteers will be bagging groceries at EconoFoods. A truck will be out front to collect returnable cans/bottles.

Lion's 5K/2K Fun Run
at the 2016 Copper Country Strawberry Festival
Saturday, July 9, 2016 @ 8:00am
Chassell Trails behind the Chassell Heritage Center
More information and on-line registration

Pies for SKY fundraiser
Pie Auction – Thanks to WOLF radio and all those who donated baked goods & pies and to everyone who participated in the bidding or stopped by to get some delicious baked goods. Five pies went for $100 or more and over $2000 was raised for SKY!

3rd Annual Chili Chase for Charity
Saturday, February 13, 2016 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
MTU Nordic Ski Trails - Race Entrance on Sharon Ave. Houghton.

Houghton High School's National Honor Society is hosting its 3rd annual Chili Chase for Charity cross-country ski race and chili lunch. All proceeds will be donated to SKY (Simple Kindness for Youth), a local charity that helps the youth in our area, and the MTU ski trails. The race is meant to be fun for people of all ages! We will have some great awards and prizes for the competitors at the chili lunch following the race.

2015 Lions’ 5K/2K Fun Run for Simple Kindness for Youth
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @ 8:00am on the Chassell Trails behind the Chassell Heritage Center. Registration will open from 7:00am to 7:45am the day of the race.

The Chassell Lions are excited to announce this new addition to the Strawberry Festival. We are sponsoring the 5k/2k Trail Run/Walk to benefit Simple Kindness for Youth.

To register and find out more, please visit

Reach For The S.K.Y. Talent show
Saturday, February 28, 2015
7pm at the Calumet Theatre
Adults- $8.00, children, students and seniors- $5.00

Enjoy local high school talent and a bake sale.

Hosted by the Student Leadership Committee

Proceeds go towards SKY.

Quilt Raffle, May 15, 2013. Thanks again to everyone who supported SKY by buying tickets.

Winners - Cathy Campbell-Olshewski &

Raffle drawing winners (A Big Thanks to everyone who supported SKY by buying tickets):

Quilt #1 - Gary Bailey

Quilt #2 - Barb Anderson

Quit #3 - David Weber

Quilt #4 - Kris Olson

$50 - Tori Connor

$25 - Gus Olson

Portage Health Halloween Hustle - Saturday, OCTOBER 29, 2011

11am at the Kestner Waterfront Park in Houghton

$10 registration - children under 12 are free with proceeds to benefit SKY

A fun, noncompetitive 5K or 10K walk or run along the waterfront in Houghton.

All ages and fitness levels welcome. Costumes optional! Participants receive a water bottle & snacks.

There will be a raffle following the event.

Second Annual SKY Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale

Saturday, September 24, 2011

8am to 12pm

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & Lutheran Campus Ministry

1100 College Ave, Houghton

Come in for some warm pancakes, sausage, hot coffee, and juice. $5 donation. Raffle Tickets will be available as well.


Where: SDC Dance Room
When: August 18, 2011
Time: 6:30-8pm
Cost: Donations accepted at the door of the dance room

Ladies Spring Gala

June 4, 2011 6-11pm at MTU

Live band, dancing, good food with proceeds to benefit SKY

Meet & Greet - A Pizza Luncheon April 7, 2011, 11:30am - 1:30pm
for local high school students with disabilities & their parent.
Meet the 30+ Copper Country agencies who can offer career development, financial, health & other services to young adults after high school graduation.

Sts. Peter and Paul Church
1010 Madeleine, Houghton
Questions: call 482-4250, ext. 112
Sponsored by the Copper Country Community Transition Counci

Family Video Bake Sale

Friday December 10, 2010 5pm - 9pm

& Saturday December 11, 2010 11am - 9pm

Come rent a good movie or two and get some tasty goodies!

The Library Restaurant & Brew Pub Fundraiser

Join us at The Library for a delicious meal on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 and help SKY help kids. The Library has generously agreed to donate 10% of the days proceeds to SKY

Applebee's Dining to Donate Fundraiser

Join us at Applebee's on Tuesday, October 26th from 5-9pm 980 Razorback Drive in Houghton

*You must present a flyer to your server to have 10% of your bill donated to SKY.

Mason's Pancake Breakfast - Proceeds to benefit SKY

8am to 11am Saturday, October 2, 2010

Held at the Masonic Center 51340 Hwy US 41 Franklin Twp.

SKY Pancake Breakfast $5 All You Can Eat!

7 a.m. – Noon
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1100 College Avenue
(two doors away from College Vision Clinic and directly across from Agate Street)

Soup and Salad Luncheon - Friday, August 6, 2010, 11:30am-2pm

Hosted by Michele Kerban & Judy Pleshe. The first one was a big hit. Come & enjoy some good food and friendly company. Lunch is between 11:30 and 2. Kids and friends are welcome. There is no set price for lunch, but donations are encouraged.

Soup and Salad Luncheon - Thursday, July 22, 11am-3pm

Hosted by Michele Kerban & Judy Pleshe. Come anytime between 11 and 3. Kids and friends are welcome. Bring a soup or salad to share if you can, but come even if you can't bring anything. There is no set price for lunch, but donations are encouraged.

Mine Shaft Dining 4 Dollars Fundraiser July 12 - 18 Get a Dining for Dollars card from any SKY member or download & print one (below), present it to your waitress, and the Mine Shaft will donate a percentage of your tab to SKY (not including alcoholic drinks). Only one card required per table.

Wednesday, June 9- Joey's Seafood and Grille
Will donate 20% of this day's proceeds to SKY
Joeys Seafood and Grille

Sunday, May 30- Radio Interview
Listen to the Copper Country Today show this Sunday morning.
AM1400 (WCCY) at 8am and 102.3FM (KBEAR) at 9am